Monday, September 6, 2010


Sunday afternoon I got a call from our good friend and faithful blog follower, Sherry.  She told me that she wanted me to take some pictures of her grandson, Rhett.  I said, "Of course! When?" and she said, "Can you do it today?".  So, an hour later we were out at the lake taking pictures!  Sherry's daughter, son-in-law, and grandson were in town visiting so we had to take the opportunity while it was here.  Rhett is almost one and he did great!  Here are a few shots.  Click here to see more.

1 comment:

bettyb said...

~cute pix ~~even in the maroon!! ~just kidding Grandma Sherry; he is a doll,and I didn't even know that you were a g'mother until my mother told me a few weeks ago!! Good job,David.
Betty B.