McKenzie is officially an 8th grade graduate! We went to her graduation/awards day at school yesterday. It was really a nice ceremony. McKenzie was asked to lead the pledge to the flag at the ceremony. Also during awards, McKenzie was given the Entertainers show choir award. The graduates walked in wearing their red caps with tassels, all 330 of them! At the end of the ceremony they got to throw their caps into the air, which they all loved. Can't believe she is about to walk the halls of GHS! Great job, McKenzie!
This past Wednesday, Matt attended the Superintendent's Breakfast for all A's this year. I snapped a picture of him before we left. They got to wear their "Sunday best". Here is another picture of him and his best friend, Dillon at the breakfast. So proud of you Matt!
A couple of weeks ago, McKenzie sang in her last middle school show choir concert. This was the 12th one since starting choir in 6th grade. The kids got to choose their own songs. Mrs Dorroh gave them a little creative control with the show. It was a cute show. We have enjoyed watching her grow as a singer and performer over the past three years. She has enjoyed it as well.
A couple of weeks ago, Matt began golf lessons with Mr. Ernie Petty. He is loving it! Mr. Petty comes and picks him up after school on Wednesdays and they go out to Dogwoods for his lesson. David picks him up afterwards. Every chance David and Matt get, they go play golf. David is just so glad this is something they can do together. Here is a picture that David took at his first lesson.
Can't believe that in one month school will be out! I believe this has been the fastest school year for us. Looking forward to summer and going to the beach!
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