The 18th was our 20th anniversary or as we like to call it, our Birthiversary, since it's also my birthday. We went to Nashville for our honeymoon 20 years ago so we decided to go back to Nashville this year for our anniversary.
Before I show you the pictures from this year, let's take a little trip down memory lane. Prepare yourself, here come pictures of some of the family from 20 years ago!
Haha! Wasn't that fun? Now, on to the anniversary trip pictures, which will include many pictures of food explaining why I don't look like I did 20 years ago!
Our first stop was the Casey Jones Village in Jackson, TN, to stretch our legs.
Love this sign! I thought it fit us perfectly, with one correction.
We always have enjoyed eating here, but we didn't time it right this year for a meal so we just got a little snack at the candy and ice cream parlor.
We stayed at the Union Station Hotel downtown. It was built in 1900 and was a train station for many years. It was opened as a hotel in 1986 and then renovated in 2007. It was the first time we've stayed there and it was beautiful and a great experience.
We walked downtown to check out some stores and eat supper at Demo's where we ate on our honeymoon. Ain't I sweet and romantic? I didn't think to get a picture at Demo's but I did get a picture of Elvis and a candy store! Thankya, thankya very much.
Breakfast the next morning was really good. We went to Puckett's Grocery downtown where I had a great breakfast buffet and Betty had the Bubba's Eggs Benedict.

After a late breakfast we spent an inordinate amount of time shopping. Yes, Target was prominently involved. We seem to enter a time warp whenever we go to Target. After doing all the shopping I could do I went to the Starbucks inside Target and sat looking at my phone and politely nodding and saying "Uh-huh, yes ma'am." to a nice older lady sitting near me. Before I got picked up I decided to go ask Betty how much longer she needed. She said, "I'll be through in one minute.". Now, if my mother had said that I would've known that she meant, "Go take a nap somewhere I'm just getting started", but I didn't think my sweet bride was like that. Well, 45 minutes later that one minute finally came true and we left.......only to head to a mall. Evidently, the fine people of Nashville wait until the weekend before Christmas to all head out en masse to the mall to do their Christmas shopping. The traffic was horrible and there were people everywhere! We finally got through and headed back to the hotel to get ready for the best part of the weekend - the Amy Grant and Vince Gill Christmas Concert!
The show was at the Schermerhorn Symphony Center downtown and it was probably the best concert we've ever been to. It was just perfect. Well, not quite perfect. We did have a tornado warning during intermission with sirens going off and everything. Other than that it was great!
The weekend was really wonderful and a great way to celebrate 20 years with a wonderful girl! Happy Anniversary Betty! I love you!