Sunday, April 11, 2010

McKenzie Dancing

We had a great time this past weekend in Alabama seeing Thomas the Tank Engine.  We got back late Saturday night about 11:00 and Matt woke up with a stomach bug at 1:30.  So, we've been a little busy and we're a little tired, so the blog update about this weekend will come later.

Today's post is a video I made of McKenzie last week of her doing a dance she made up to Miley Cyrus' Party in the U.S.A.  You'll see Matt lying on the couch oblivious to the dancing and videoing going on.  He was deep into a Thomas catalog and came to tell me what he wanted.  Despite the interruption, McKenzie did a great job with her dance and she wanted to share it with our blog friends.


bettyb said...

Way to go,McKenzie!
I tried watching this on Ward's iphone,but I couldn't get the sound so it was hard to really "get it"!! You are an awesome dancer!~~even when Matt had something to tell Daddy in the middle of your routine! You look so old when you dance that it makes BettyWard sad (Mama will explain that!),but so proud also because you dance so well. I missed you and Matt today at Granny's and am sorry that he got sick: hope Thomas was good~can't wait to see pictures.We had SO much fun with cousin Jacob;you would love playing with him.He is a happy and busy boy and calls Ward "Pazz" and me,"Booboo".HA.

Anonymous said...

Great job McKenzie! You are very talented.