The picture above is at Huey's in Southaven where we stopped for lunch on the way in. M&M couldn't believe that people had written on the walls and on the seats. That influence is definitely from Betty. When I was a kid and learning to write, I wrote my name - or my interpretation of my name - "Davib" on every door in the house. When confronted, I denied doing it. I wasn't very bright. Anyway, back to the trip.....

McKenzie loves the Children's Museum and her favorite part of it is the grocery store. She went straight to where the grocery store has always been only to find it was under construction to become a pretend TV studio. She was so disappointed. Thankfully, we found that they had moved the grocery store to the other side of the building and made it even better!

McKenzie ringing up her purchases.

Matt enjoyed the river exhibit. He played with the boats and "fished". John and Amanda would've been proud!

This is something we are NOT ready for!!!

Here's Matt attacking the slide in the toddler area.

Here comes the trolley!!!

Here's Matt enjoying the trolley ride. No, really, he really is enjoying it. If you've ever seen Matt do something he really loves, you know that he gets really focused and serious-looking. He's actually having a ball, though.
After the kids got to have their fun, it was Betty's turn. You guessed it, we went to Target. It was National Sales Tax Holiday day.......I'm sure they were expecting us.......
What a fun trip.You realize the girls in the family are pretty smart: McKenzie not only got her first b'day wish to the museum but also got the N'ville trip thrown in!And of course free tax day is certainly a reason for the car to stop at the nearest Target~as you said,I'm sure they were expecting you.What a fun day all the way around.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETTY!! Sounds like your sweet husband has it all planned out! Wish the best birthday for you!
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