Matt was literally bouncing off the walls in the hotel. We could see a train sitting on the tracks from our window. Matt was too excited to go to bed and he kept getting up and looking out the window at the train.

Saturday finally came! McKenzie and Matt were so excited walking to see Thomas.

This is the "Ductor" taking their tickets as we got on the train.

Matt loved riding on the train, although he was all business while he was on the train. Here he is playing with Annie waiting for our ride to start.

This was on a little steam train that went on a short ride through the woods. You can see Matt's serious studying train-riding look.

On one of the parked train cars, they had an extremely expressive lady reading Thomas stories to the kids.

There was even a petting zoo. This little goat kept escaping from the pen.

Here's Daddy taking a nap after lunch!

Matt on a train holding his ever-present Annie.

Riding Annie on a real track!

McKenzie and Matt in the jumping thing.

McKenzie loved the slide - Matt never would try it.

Matt did enjoy playing "golfball". Thankfully, he didn't hit anyone.

McKenzie did well, too, with her pink ball.

It was a great day and God took care of the weather for us. The only time it rained was while we were on the train!