Saturday, March 5, 2011

Matt the Rebel

At the beginning of the week, Matt told us that he and some boys had gotten in trouble during outside play time at pre-school.  They were playing and tackling each other and the teacher told them to stop and not to let her see them tackling again.  Matt learned his lesson.........only it wasn't the lesson the teacher meant to teach.

Last night at supper, Matt was telling us about playing with a couple of friends on Friday.  I asked him what they played and he said they were tackling each other.  I said, "I thought the teacher said she didn't want to see y'all tackling each other again.".  Matt said, "We were playing behind the slides so she wouldn't see us.".  Matt, we need to talk.

Matt is a literalist.  He takes you at your word and does exactly what you say, so you better say it right!  One Sunday morning at church he was pretending he was Iron Man when we got there.  I told him not to be Iron Man when he went to Sunday School.  He didn't.  He was Wolverine!  Now I tell him not to be any super hero.

1 comment:

bettyb said...

I was SO excited when I read the title of this blog post! I thought Matt had come over from the dark side. :-)
Oh,well, I knew better,but after the Rebs performance this wk. end we could use some extra fan support. This is so funny and reminds me so much of when Mimi told one of the girls~don't know if it was Betty Ann or one of her sisters when they were about this age to "march" after she had gotten in trouble. She literally marched! So---it must be genetic! Matt,you should have seen the catcher for Tulane's baseball team; he looked like a green power ranger.