Well, Thanksgiving 2012 is in the books. We had a very nice day yesterday. Our day began with watching the Macy's parade and me cooking a couple of things for our lunch. We then gathered over at Betty and Ward's for a wonderful lunch that consisted of smoked turkey and dressing made by my mama and the rest of us contributed side dishes and yummy desserts. It was such a beautiful day, we decided to take the annual family picture outside on their pretty patio. We spent most of our time out there visiting, while Matt enjoyed playing football with whoever would play him.
Here are a few pictures from our day and even a few taken by McKenzie who had fun playing with David's camera.
Here are some of McKenzie's pictures....
That's his 7th roll!
This is David hijacking Betty's post for just a moment. As we were leaving Betty and Ward's a dog came into the yard checking us out. Guess what happened? Yep, Dr. Doolittle worked her magic again and the dog followed us home! Good gracious, this is getting ridiculous! We already have two rabbits that have adopted us! Stop being an animal magnet, Betty!
I now return you to your regularly scheduled blog post.
Henry, our elf made his first appearance this morning! I can't figure out if Matt believes in him or not. He came to me a few minutes ago and said Mama you know Henry really looks kind of fake...his face is plastic! Oh I hope we can have at least one more year of this fun tradition with Matt believing but I don't know, that boy is smart. He's figuring things out.

We had talked about going to Memphis today to see a movie but we are all tired and just enjoying being home today. There is always tomorrow! So I think we will just hang out today, watch football, a Duck Dynasty marathon and I need to finish decorating. I will link up to blog party soon but here is a sneek peek of our tree. The tree topper is new this year. I also couldn't resist these cute flannel Christmas sheets for the kids beds. I found them at Target on sale! The kids decorated their trees this week while out of school. What a fun week we have had and its already over! We are definately ready for Christmas break. It will be here before we know it!