Today we went to a Homecoming service at my hometown church in Itta Bena. My Dad became the pastor at First Baptist Itta Bena in September of 1979, and I lived there until I moved to Grenada in September of 1992. It was a wonderful place to grow up -- Betty says it reminds her of Mayberry. I could ride my bike all over town and go play with friends...walk to several friends' houses or walk to the baseball park or the neighborhood football field at the Bariola's. We'd play ball outside all day long during the summer and play football every Sunday afternoon in the fall. Usually after the neighborhood ballgame we'd ride our bikes or three-wheelers down to the Southern Cafe for a floating hamburger and a chocolate milkshake. We'd also play chase at night on our block that included our house, the Minister of Music's house and the church property. With all the stuff and opportunities our kids have today they'll never get to do a lot of the things that I was able to do growing up in Itta Bena. I guess sometimes "progress" isn't progress. Here are some pictures from our fun day.

This is Curtis and Maime Aust. Curtis was the coach of our church softball team that won the Greenwood Church League championship all 13 years I was there. We won the State Tournament in 1990. Maime is a great lady and makes an amazing strawberry pizza.

Karen Higginbotham, Susan Fulgham, Kristy Aust, and Sharon Aust -- all maiden names. All good friends from our old youth group.

Sandy Land, our Minister of Music for most of my time in Itta Bena. He was once a very ugly woman in a wedding dress for a womanless beauty pageant.

Sybil and Gary Fulgham. Gary is a nut and Sybil is a sweet lady who cooks the best dressing ever. Sorry, Mom.

Betty and Frances Aldridge. This is my sister-in-law Jan's mother and the mother of my best friend, Wayne. She is so sweet and also a great cook - a running theme with me and the women of Itta Bena.

Here's my best friend, Wayne Aldridge. I know he looks to old to be a friend of mine, but trust me, he's really just a couple of years older than me! :) Wayne and I would go to Pizza Inn every Sunday night after church and eat a pepperoni pizza each. Hmm, all of my stories revolve around food. Anyway, we had a lot of great times together in Itta Bena.

Steve Hayes. The greatest church softball shortstop ever.

Sandra Joiner. Faithful follower of The Cummings Chronicles and extremely proud grandmother. Took me to the ER when I severly sprained my ankle in 10th grade while Mom and Dad were out of town.

Part of the FBC youth group of the 80's.

Matt walking up the steps of the beautiful church.

The Southern Cafe (now Tyrone's Sports Bar and Grill). Home of the floating hamburger and chocolate shakes!

The old home. My room was behind the window to the right of the door. The sidewalk was the 50 yard line for mine and Andy's football games. This was also the view that our 90-year-old neighbor, Miss Birdie, had when she'd sit out on her bench swing and watch us play ball. Lots of great memories in Itta Bena. Thanks, Mom and Dad, for moving us there.