Today was a special day for McKenzie. Last Thursday night she accepted Jesus into her heart. McKenzie may only be seven yrs. old but she is very sure and confident in her decision. I have prayed for several years that my kids would accept and come to know Him at an early age and God has answered my prayers. David and I walked with her down the isle to make her profession of faith. It seems like yesterday that we were down front on baby dedication Sunday dedicating her to God. My, how time passes fast! I think it is very special in that her Grand ( David's Dad) will baptize her soon.
Hello McKenzie,
Debbie and I are so excited that you have asked Jesus to be your Savior. We know your monm and dad are excited also. I want you to know that I was seven years old when I asked Jesus in to my heart. I am 52 years old now and I still know that Jesus is my Savior and He always will be. We love you very much. Tell your mom and dad, uncle Andy and aunt Jan and your granparents we said hello!
Bro. Huey & Mrs. Debbie
I am so very proud of you; you are very special to me.
Betty Ward
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