Friday, October 23, 2009

Picture Time!

Friday afternoon our friend, Amanda, helped us with some family pictures. Here are a few pics of Amanda, Jack, and our kids.

Jack loves McKenzie. The only thing is, he gets emotional when he first sees her. Tunes up to cry and everything (as my Mother says).

After this one Matt said, "Stop taking pictures of me!".

After pictures, we went to Winona to eat at Woody's......or Wooooooody's, as Matt calls it.

Here's McKenzie enjoying her chicken taco and Matt attacking his ice cream. Matt was very ready to eat by the time we got there. After ordering, the waitress came by to give us refills of our tea and Matt said, "I want my food now.". He was very polite about it. I guess he thought she was just holding it until he was ready. Then she came back after we were through and Matt said, "I want some 'zert!".

1 comment:

bettyb said...

McKenzie,you look way too old in those boots and that cute sweater!!--LOVE the outfit!! I didn't think Matt would mind having his picture made as long as he got to be around trains to do it.Jack is so cute~glad y'all got to spend some time with him.
Betty Ward